Virtual College Dinner : 15th March 2021
On the 15th March 2021, the Lap-Chee College Tutorial Team and the Lap-Chee College Ambassadors (LCA) organized the first-ever Virtual College Dinner to provide Lap-Cheers the opportunity to interact with their fellow college members since the High Table Dinners have been called off ever since the pandemic strikes.
Mimicking the high table dinners, we had welcoming speeches from the college master, Prof. M.F. Yuen, and the deputy master, Prof. Kelvin Yeung, followed by a few college announcements before dining.
The meals were provided by the college and distributed to the residents with help from the floor coordinators. With over 160 residents and tutors participating in the Virtual College Dinner, they were divided into ten breakout rooms according to their floors to allow conversations in smaller groups while dining.
The LCAs coordinated the logistics of the Virtual College Dinner, such as collecting food preferences from participants, delivering food to each floor and facilitating the games in the breakout room session.
“It was such an amazing opportunity to execute such an event amid the situation! I really hope everyone enjoyed the food and the time spent together!! 🙂 ”
~ Liz Hee Jea Kim, Student Coordinator of LCA