Lap Chee College held Admission Ceremonies to welcome new residents

On September 13 and 19, Lap-Chee College held the Admission Ceremonies at the College Hall to welcome new residents: September 13 for the residents living on the sixth to fifteenth floors and September 19 for those living on the sixteenth to twenty-fifth floors.

Lap-Chee goodie pack

Before entering the venue, residents had to complete the registration process and were given a Lap-Chee goodie pack containing Lap-Chee calendar, pin, notebook, etc.

The event started with all participants standing to welcome the tutorial team members. Master Professor Yuen Man-Fung then proceeded with a welcoming speech, wishing everyone an enjoyable stay and expressing his anticipation for the student’s participation in the upcoming events when the pandemic situation improves.

welcoming speech by Master Professor Yuen Man-Fung

The event proceeds with the commencement of the gown presentation. New undergraduate and postgraduate Lap-Cheers were presented with the traditional green and black gowns respectively, as a symbolization to welcome them to the College family.

gown presentation

Senior Resident Tutor Dr. John Kubi was then invited to give a speech. He talked about how the residents could gain opportunities through the activities in the College and reminded everyone to comprehend the regulations applied in the College.

speech by Dr. John Kubi

During the event, the participants also enjoyed some performances and a lucky draw. Two Lap-Cheers showcased their talents in front of the residents, Katie with her graceful dance, and Evan with his talented voice and piano skills.

Katie with her graceful dance

Evan with his talented voice and piano skills

Closing the night, the MC invited the senior management team to each draw two numbers each for a lucky draw. Lucky students received a pack of Lap Chee goods.

lucky draw

Report: Bianca

Photo: Tanvi, Christy, Valdy

Edit: Weiss Bai

Media Team